Originally Posted By: oldfan
I'm not here to call offcials out!!!!
Officiating wrestling is tough but..............if a high school
wrestling offcial does not have the guts to call it, the kids are in trouble..

I'll tell you another thing that should be called a lot more; the arm chop. I don't know the rule or if this is even addressed in the rule book or case book but when a guy raises up and chops the arm that does not seem like a wrestling move to me, it looks and smells of a frustrated wrestler trying to damage the opponents elbow joint.
Shane, does the rule and or case book address this???

I have not found a specific case dealing with "the arm chop", but the only thing the rules state is not apllying pressure against the joint. I call the arm chop pretty much the same way as the previous crossface. Once again, the wrestler (or at least I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt) may not being trying to actually injure their opponent, but if I feel it's crossing the line, then I'll convey that and then penalize accordingly.

People don't always agree with what I call, and I'm realistic of that, but I feel that if I can explain my position, 99.3% of the time, wrestlers and coaches will understand. Over-protective parents may never understand... wink

Shane Koranda
Towanda, Ks.