I don't post very often here, but every now and then I see something that peaks my interest so I will respond.

Theoretical Maximum

7 two day dual tournaments @ 4 points per tournament
x 5 matches per day
x 2 days per tournament
70 matches in reg. season tournaments @ 28 competition points
+ 2 matches in 1 double dual @ 2 competition points
72 total regular season matches @ 30 total competition points

Now we figure out maximum matches in the post season. Assuming you are in 3-2-1A or 4A and have full 16 man brackets with no byes. In order to get extra matches you have to lose the 1st round match and wrestle all the way through the backside to place 3rd or 4th. Following this pattern you will wrestle 6 total matches at regionals to place 3rd or 4th so...

72 regular season matches
+ 6 regional matches
78 matches

Now on to State where once again a full 16 man bracket awaits. Once again you lose in the 1st round which counts as a match of course. Then you wrestle on the back side. This time however you need only get to the consolation semifinals to get the maximum matches. Up to the consi-semi's you would have wrestled 4 times. If you win that puts you in the consi-finals with 5 matches, and if you include the 3rd and 4th place match that is 6 total matches. If you lose in the consi-semi's that is still your 5th match, and you will wrestle a 6th match for 5th and 6th, so either way its 6 matches at maximum.

So for the final total

78 matches up through regionals
+ 6 State matches
84 = Grand total of MAXIMUM matches/forfeits a wrestler can have in Kansas under the competition points system.

84 is a TON of matches. The figures above make a lot of assumptions as well. For instance
there is not 7 two day dual tournaments available in the state of Kansas. In fact I believe
there may only be 1 or 2. In any case I just used these as examples to get the most matches possible. Also I doubt very seriously that most coaches would be willing to take on a schedule like that, and even more importantly I doubt there are any schools in the state that would let students out of 7 half or full days of school for athletic competion. I'm not even sure if the state BOE allows that many days or half days to be missed.

In any case the practical answer to your question is 84, so now you know. Have fun with this seemingly useless bit of knowledge I have shared with you.

William Nigel Isom
KSHSAA Official # 14274
USAWKS # 577
Riley KS