Originally Posted By: Jeff Broadbent
No Food and Drinks rule is not in the HS Rulebook, while the tobacco issue is.

That is the point of this thread!


And this is the key, when we allow someone to practice what rules out of the rule book they want, then we no longer have an appropriate sport. To the officials, especially, enforce the rules, including this one. If you don't like the rules, as outlined in the book, and adopted by the HS and Kids Federation, go through appropriate channels to change the rule, otherwise, I don't like the slam rule, I think kids should be allowed to slam another wrestler to the mat. (JK of course but hope it drives the point home.) I would ask a serious question though, why, if this is a rule, which it is, why is it not enforced. If it is not, and it normally is not, then we have gone beyond judgment to a clear violation of rules and are allowing individual tournaments and officials to establish the rules.