a young wrestler has been "programmed" to hear mom and dad's voice since conception. it makes it difficult to get a word in edgewise. i have asked all the parents in our club to either sit in the stands or to only yell encouraging words. i ask them not to yell out moves, or my favorite "GET UP". i mean is that all you have to do, it's really that easy. heck why didn't i think of that. the best thing a parent can do is be there for support, let the coach handle everything else. if your kid throws a fit, cries, show poor sportsman ship, just flat gives up, doesn't listen, whatever they do, please leave it to the coaches. just like you don't bring work home (hopefully), don't bring wrestling home (at least the negatives) let the coaches handle it. it will make for a better parent/wrestler relationship.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"