Originally Posted By: John Johnson
I hate chewing gum worse, kids leave it on the bleachers, terrible. It doesn't contain tobacco - its legal - will Jeff have to look at the can to see what it is. If you have thrown away the can are you out, or will your word be acceptable. And, after watching some ref's today, don't you think they should really stay focused on the action on the mat!!!!!!!! As if we all do not have important things to deal with.


Dont know if this is a slam at me or what, but...

For the record.

I will point out to a referee any coach who is using tobacco at a kids wrestling tournament. No, I will not go out of my way to identify these coaches, but if you are in my vicinity or coaching against me and are using chew, I will make it known.

I have done so the last 2 days at Pittsburg and at St. James. To the young referees credit at St. James who told the offender to leave I applaud your knowledge of the RULEBOOK. To the referee the day before, who came up to me later and admitted that he made a mistake by not removing the coaches, I know you were in a tough spot, amongst friends.

UNTIL the referees begin to take control of this situation it will continue to happen. There is no need for it in our sport and it is a terrible example to set for young athletes who look up to their coaches.

For coaches who get upset with "me" regarding this issue and have the desire to belittle me in front of all involved. I am a grown man and will listen to your words as long as there is no profanity used.

I for one do consider this a very important topic and I will not back down.

I will continue to point out those I run across at these kids tournaments. Even (and especially) if "there are 40 or 50 others doing the exact same thing!"... A quote from a parent/coach matside.

Jeff Broadbent - MVWC