I wouldn't mind being next to the mat to video tape my children wrestling, but I am not allowed to do it because of the RULES set forth by our governing body. I do not complain about this because I would not want my child or the child that my child is wrestling against to come off the mat towards me and catch me off guard and cause an injury to either wrestler because I had a VIDEO CAMERA at matside. This rule is in place to protect our children, so all of the moms that go matside to video, please remember the rest of us abiding by the rules and staying in the stands to video, no matter whether we can see or not. I am not allowed to go matside in High School for my wrestlers there either, and will not break the rules to do so. It is a bad example to set for our kids, breaking rules have consequences and they need to know that.

Sandra Hayes

Wrestle your hardest and leave it all on the mat everytime.