I've been reading this post the last couple of days. Both sides have some good post, but being involved with kids wrestling for 15 years I can tell you people this is a small issue to some. There is going to be way bigger problems to deal with then a coach chewing or a table worker chewing or coach smoking. I have 3 sons that have been involved with kids wrestling, a 11,16 & 18 year old. I don't chew or smoke and nor do my older kids. They have had coach's that have chewed and never once have they ever mentioned that was a problem to me. Yes I have talked to them about the dangers of both and they know as well. Just wait tell your kids get cars, girlfriends, and are out on a Saturday night. When you put things in perspective, some things are more important. I know the rules state that a coach cannot chew at matside. Most people couldn't tell if a coach is chewing or not. I think this topic needs to be put to rest and good luck to all this year.