Originally Posted By: Cokeley
If the wind is out of the wrong direction, the smell alone will make this the toughest tournament to attend!

Will Cokeley, you have been lambasting almost everything about Kansas wrestling from our inability to allow change with out a 99.5% level of support, our 500 mile rule, not being allowed to film competitors matches, our lack of duals, too easy of tournaments, Kansas allowing Kevin Klemm to leave the state, our too few matches, too many classes, too many state tournament locations, no dual state, no grand state, our inability to recruit, lack of appreciation for the Chief, poor overall participation in off season wrestling, our lack of college All Americans and socialism being responsible for almost everything. But now you have gone too far. It is time someone call you on one of your tirades.

I am here to tell you that this last remark of yours absolutely STINKS!

Vince Nowak
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Supporter
Please join the fight with your contributions