actions and appearance mean alot to a young wrestler. i didn't see it, and cannot comment on the coaches actions or his credibility. i do know that it is sometimes best to be the better man and teach that lesson to the young wrestler. by the sounds of it, we were in the exact situation in independence about 10 years ago. points were awarded to the wrong wrestler for an illegal hold, (our wrestler had an illegal headlock and we were awarded the points), we were trying to do the right thing and get the points switched. the ref comes over and says, "that is an illegal hold and you can't argue that you F(*^^& punk". my fellow coach tells him again that he simply gave the points to the wrong kid, and the ref curses again and ejects our coach. he then calls over about 5 kids from the high school wrestling team and has them escort him out. blt i know what we did was right, but it looked awfully bad to anyone watching. after the match our wrestler came over and said, "i won't ever act like a bad sport, i know what you and jason mean now." the whole situation was hard to take, and like i said i know it looked bad. in the long run justice was served, we complain at the next couple of tournamets, and that ref has not refereed since. we are both still coaching. don't get too upset if someone viewed it differently that will always happen, if you know your coach did the right thing then be happy that he is setting a good example, the kids will see it!!

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"