I am new to this, but do have something to say & it is not all about wrestling.

It seems to me that the rules are put into place for everyone to follow. but for some unknown reason we tell our kids do as I say not as I do, we are suppose to be setting an example for our kids & if we as parents, coaches refs or whom ever we are that the kids see us not following the rules set before us all then why should we expect them to follow them? we get upset with them when they do not & they get into trouble for not following the rules. We need to lead by example in all areas of our lives for our kids.

this last weekend we found a cup that was left in the stands w/spit in it from some one chewing & it had been steppped on. That is just down right disgusting to me. If you are going to do this be responsible enough to clean up after yourself. Show the kids how to be respectful not destructive. I have seen trash left in the stands all the time because no one wants to be responsible for themselves & CLEAN UP after your sleves. Have some respect for the school you are in as well. this could be your own childs school!!!!

I make my children clean up after themselves & put things where they go & that is in the trash not the floor or the stands.

the other thing is why is it that we let the kids run up & down the bleachers & jumping, by the time we get done after a full day of wrestling I have one heck of a headache because the kids are running up,down,jumping & stomping up & down the stairs. Have some condiseration for others where that is concerned. I have seen many of the kids running & chasing one another during the meets & the parents are oblivious to this for some reason, when I see my kids doing this & I am sure they are very guilty of it as well, but when I catch them I make them stop. My husband just had double knee replacements & was using a walker & canes & was about ran over by many due to running & no consideration to the fact he was not able to walk normal like most of us. he was there to cheer his kids on just like everyone else was. I have also seen many almost run over others in wheel chairs & canes.

I do realize that they are excited & wound up but we really do need to try to have some sort of control over our kids not just the one wrestling.

This is my opinion which may not amount to much but this is how I feel & it is not just at the wrestling meets that we need to be mindful of how we set the example for our kids!
