Originally Posted By: BLT
I would say you can't hold coaches to this until you elevate the quality of refs in our state. Not to say that there are not some excellent ones (I ment a new one this weekend! Van Kuhn!) but I think that too many refs hide behind the "Its a judgement call" excuse.
They make very bad calls and when a good coach passionately calls them out on it their pride gets in the way and they scream "Its a judgement call! AND NO, I won't call the head ref over here so get back in your corner coach and shut up or your GONE!"

If you all would of had ref #'s on your pretty new shirts this weekend I could tell you who sad that.

Don't blame coaches for standing up to a lack of quality refs!

And if you've never refereed a wrestling tournament, much less a state wrestling tournament than who are you to say who is a good referee and who is not? I suggest that you put on a black and white and go out there and see how easy it is before you lay on the bad mouthing.

Frankly there are a ton of really good officials in the state and many of them won't even work kids events anymore because they are tired of this type of stuff. I would venture to say that the officials who now simply give coaches the one liner of "it's my judgement" has probably grown tired of having to give long explanations for situations that simply break down to ..... JUDGEMENT. I mean honestly how many other ways are there to explain to a coach that the call that was made was in fact judgement? Obviously the coach isn't going to believe the official no matter what they say, and they certainly aren't going to be happy. So why waste 3 minutes taking care of something that can be done in 5 seconds?

Every year more and more of the most talented officials in the state are going away from doing kids events because they are simply tired of it, and thats never going to change as long as the abuse continues. Unfortunately this will have the effect of insuring that with each successive year your perceived notion of who is a good official and who is not is going to get worse, as the state will be forced to find other officials to replace the good ones that don't want to come.