Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer


What do you believe in the Kansas Kids Rules Modifications prevents a referee from enforcing rule 5-5-2?

The scenario which you describe is a concern and has been discussed by the Kansas Kids Executive Council. It is my understanding this will be a point of emphasis for next season.

There is nothing in the Kansas Kids Rules Mods that prevents myself or any other official from enforcing the rule, but who is going to keep track of all the warnings given by each official? Usually the head official doesn't see every bout sheet so would have no idea on the total number of warnings. We just need some standard protocol concerning the warning(s) issued & enforced, as to who they are reported to, etc.

Also if we do eject a person from a tournament on the basis of Coaches Misconduct, how many tournament personnel will stand behind us and risk losing a club coming to their tournament? It's revenue they feel they need, and don't want to risk it.

Last edited by Bronco Wrestler; 03/30/09 10:29 PM.

Alex R. Ryan
KSHSAA Official #15616
USAWKS Official #707