Will-I have to agree with the Broken System statement. We just had this discussion last night at a club get together. There were only 9 clubs that voted in District 4!
Another issue I have seen all season is that an official will hold a grudge against a coach or coaches from a club, and it never fails, you will get that official on your mat, and going in the coach already feels that they aren't going to win. If the officials are professionals, they should conduct themselves that way and go on a match by match basis--not hold grudges that may be appear to affect the outcome of a match. I have seen coaches warned from officials this season before a match begins for an incident or the questioning of a call from a previous tournament.
Our clubs need to take more pride in putting the best officials on the mat at our state tournament. We talked about evaluation forms for coaches to fill out after or during tournaments--don't know how well it would work, since most of the coaches don't know the officials names, but can always go to a tournament director to find out.

Just my thoughts.

Sandra Hayes

Wrestle your hardest and leave it all on the mat everytime.