I have to say that I lit into a young ref, ok maybe a couple early on in the season. I think I even showed one of them up as I was right and he was wrong. I did go up and apologize to both of the young men the very next time I saw them. Jokingly i told both of them I promise I will be good this time. I just told them to keep doing what they are doing and eventually they will get better. I told them I used to be a ref and you just have to roll with the punches. Learn from your mistakes just as wrestlers and coaches. I had no problems with either ref and thought that they actually did a pretty good job the rest of the season. Im sure they probably had their moments but hey not everyone is perfect. Im real close but not perfect. Maybe some of you guys just need to talk to some of the young guys and make them feel comfortable. Even if they blow a call. If you help them out afterward instead of wanting to kick their ass they can only get better. I havent had a chance to talk to the ref from subs yet so I guess I will have to catch him next year. Point of the matter is yes the refs need to get better but if all we do is beat on them then they just quit and we have to start with new refs all over again. Now hopefully I can learn from my mistakes this year and relax a little bit in the future. Hope some of you other coaches can as well. That makes for a better atmosphere for everyone involved.

Scott Bockover