
Great post and I agree with almost everything you pointed out. You are spot on about the volunteer coaches and the time they put in.

The only descrepancy (and it is nitpicking) is your statement that the coaches want their kids to win more than anything. I'm not sure about that. Yes, coaches love to see their kids win, however, I think most of us are more focused on seeing our kids compete to the best of their ability, learn and execute the technique, be good sports (win or lose), and love the sport as much as all of us old "has beens" do. I know for a lot of us it is the passing on the love and passion of the sport to the next generation that is really all we want.....if winning comes with that, great....if winning doesn't come but some valuable life lessons along with some great friendships and a love of wrestling is what they get...PERFECT!

Erik is SPOT ON! Great post!

Shawn Budke