psycologoically ,it has to take all you ve got to fend off a challenge for 2nd,it has to be a character builder more than I can imagine....BUT,,,,,, its kinda like an old Jerry Clower coon huntin story I once heard that I refer to quite often in goes something like this,a city sleeker and a couple of country boys coon huntin with their dogs tree a coon,one of the country boys climbs the tree to knock the coon out to 10 or 12 dogs waiting below to tear the coon to shreads.......after the intailing fight and out come,the country boy climbs which the city sleeker replies,dont you think that was a little bit of an over match, the coon dint have a chance,to which the country boy replies.....nope.........not at all,the coon had the option of whoopin all those dogs and walkin off if he wanted youve always got the option,it just kinda comes down to intestinal fortitude........or character...what ever you wish to call it...... the few challenges for 2nd that Ive been involed with have been about 50/50,but they re tough.....