2009 USAW Cadet Greco-Roman Nationals Results for Kansas

Staying Alive!

Cadet-98 - Tommy Williams's place is unknown.
Match #1 Tommy Williams (Kansas) over Michael Screptock (Ohio) Dec 5-3,1-0
Match #2 Tommy Williams (Kansas) over Stirland Zollinger (Idaho) Dec 3-0,1-0
Match #3 Tommy Williams (Kansas) over Marshawn Sharpe (Georgia) Dec 1-0,6-6
Match #4 Tommy Williams (Kansas) over Curtis Lampert (Nevada) Dec 1-0,2-0

Cadet-98 - Austin Hood's place is unknown.
Match #1 Austin Hood (Kansas) over Ryan Simmons (N Carolina) Fall 7-1,1:59
Match #2 Austin Hood (Kansas) over Aaron Lorenz (Oregon) Dec 1-0,7-0
Match #3 Austin Hood (Kansas) over Mark Raghunandan (N York) Fall 0:57
Match #4 Steven Hopkins (Washington) over Austin Hood (Kansas) Dec 7-1,5-0

Cadet-119 - Zachary Vesta's place is unknown.
Match #1 Zachary Vesta (Kansas) over Nicholas Bogue (Virginia) Dec 4-2,4-1
Match #2 Zachary Vesta (Kansas) over Travell Rounds (Illinois) TF 0-2,9-2,7-0
Match #3 Zachary Vesta (Kansas) received a bye.
Match #4 Matt Enriquez (California) over Zachary Vesta (Kansas) Dec 4-1,5-0
Match #5 Zachary Vesta (Kansas) over Dominic Buono (Arizona) Fall 3-0,1:13

Cadet-119 - Brandon Charbonneau's place is unknown.
Match #1 Brandon Charbonneau (Kansas) over Jared Johnshoy (Idaho) Dec 7-0,1-0
Match #2 Brandon Charbonneau (Kansas) over Jimmy Nehls (Illinois) Dec 0-6,2-0,4-2
Match #3 Brandon Charbonneau (Kansas) over Eric Lee (Alabama) Dec 2-0,2-6,3-0
Match #4 Brandon Charbonneau (Kansas) over Adam Ludwin (Arizona) Dec 2-0,1-0
Match #5 Isaiah Varona (Florida) over Brandon Charbonneau (Kansas) Dec 0-1,2-0,1-0

Cadet-145 - Chase Sanchez's place is unknown.
Match #1 Chase Sanchez (Kansas) over Cody Rife (Virginia) Dec 1-0,7-0
Match #2 Chase Sanchez (Kansas) over Curtis Siegfreid (California) Dec 3-3,4-0,4-0
Match #3 Chase Sanchez (Kansas) over Brian Strenk (Illinois) Dec 1-1,1-0,3-0
Match #4 Chase Sanchez (Kansas) received a bye.
Match #5 Chase Sanchez (Kansas) over Britton Thompson (Montana) Dec 6-0,1-0

Cadet-160 - Nick Pursel's place is unknown.
Match #1 Nick Pursel (Kansas) over Evan Rosborough (Ohio) Fall 6-0,1:15
Match #2 Nick Pursel (Kansas) over Brandon Ferington (Oregon) Fall 0:46
Match #3 Geordan Speiller (Florida) over Nick Pursel (Kansas) TF 6-0,7-0
Match #4 Nick Pursel (Kansas) over Kip Jangula (N Dakota) TF 6-0,7-0
Match #5 Nick Pursel (Kansas) over Ryan Valline (Iowa) Fall 1-2,1:37

Cadet-215 - Eric Mason's place is unknown.
Match #1 Eric Mason (Kansas) over Pedro Almaguer (Washington) Dec 1-0,5-0
Match #2 Eric Mason (Kansas) over Kody Papasan (Idaho) Dec 3-0,3-1
Match #3 Eric Mason (Kansas) over Daniel Lowe (Virginia) Dec 2-0,2-0
Match #4 Eric Mason (Kansas) over Jesus Medrano (California) Dec 4-4,4-2

Cadet-215 - Leo Beck's place is unknown.
Match #1 Leo Beck (Kansas) over Zach Dembrowski (California) Fall 1:50
Match #2 Leo Beck (Kansas) over Jarron Bolingbroke (Utah) Dec 5-0,6-0
Match #3 Leo Beck (Kansas) over Thomas Hall (N York) Dec 4-0,0-1,2-2
Match #4 Luke Miller (Illinois) over Leo Beck (Kansas) Dec 1-0,1-0

Last edited by usawks1; 07/18/09 10:46 PM.

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant