Come on let's get this super bracket going
Top Side- Beeson, Steele, Koelzer, Green, Jacoby, Pelland, Dryden, Hopkins, Stanton, Bollinger, Perez, Caro.
Bottom Side- Phippen, Hitchcock, Paige, POdlena, Turner, Parenti, Spangler, Taysom, Gates, Mujica, Deshazer, Priddy.
These are not the actual matches, just top and bottom
I know this is a little far fetched, but wouldn't that be something to get these kid's or even half in the same bracket. My apologies if I missed anyone. A coach can dream , can't he.
Good Luck to all of you this year, hopefully we will see ya on the mat.
Last edited by allaroundwrestli; 10/02/09 12:01 PM.