Sabetha-56 Atchison-24
103-Thaine Allen(sab) Atch open
112-Kris Schmelzle(sab) lbf to Cody Calhoun
119-Ed Roggenkamp(sab) Atch open
125-Keith Wyson(sab) lbf to Kenny Gulley
130-Chad Aberle(sab) wbf over Derek Contraras
135-Ben Koch(sab) wbmd over M. Chrisitianson
140-Levi Huneke(sab) atch open
145-Dylan Shelly wbdq against Mack Corey
152-Issac Wenger(sab) wbf over Tim Swingly
160-B. Pokrandt(sab) lbf to Josh harper
171-Will Eisnebise(sab) wbmd over Jeoffery Vaughn
189-Caleb Busch(sab) lbf to Brett Norris
215-Brock Boldra(sab) Atch open
285-Trevin Edelman(sab) wbf over Matt Eagle

Sabetha 43 Horton 34
103-Thaine Allen(sab) Horton open
112-Kris Schmelzle(sab) lbf to Hunter Speer
119-Ed Roggenkamp(sab) lbf to Issac Cairo
125-Keith Wysong(sab) lbf to Trevor Dodge
130-Chad Aberle(sab) Horton open
135-Ben Koch(sab) Horton Open
140-levi Huneke(sab) lbf to Kyle Rice
145-Dylan Shelly(sab) lbmd to Michael Robinson
152-Issac Wenger(sab) wbmd over Casey Atkins
160-B. Pokrandt(sab) lbf to Bryce Platt
171-Will Eisenbise(sab) wbd over Kyle White
189-Caleb Busch(sab) wbf over gary Davis
215-Brock Boldra(sab) wbf over Sonny Johnson
285-Trevin Edelman(sab) wbf over Dallas Bond

Jason C. Brown
Head Coach Anderson County JR/SR High