Been away from the sport for three years…so here’s my 2 cents (if it is worth even that!):

I understand the need for some regulation to foster some fairness and to avoid any blatant disregard for kid’s health and safety by potentially overzealous coaches and parents of the sport.

However...I believe that often regulations from "governing bodies" of any kind can take on a life of its own and hinder the ambitions of those striving to be the best they can be. In fact, I believe that in today’s world this might more often be the case than not.

The rule making bodies should strive at all times not to limit a kid’s pursuit of excellence. Wrestling is a tremendously competitive sport. Kids with lofty college aspirations are competing not just within the boundaries of the state but nationwide for scholarships and opportunities. There are some decisions that belong with parents, coaches, perhaps school administrators. Governing bodies can at times run a risk of applying almost a lowest common denominator standard to all and therefore, however unintentionally, hinder the ambitions of those striving toward elite goals.

Maybe the burden of proof should be as follows: unless there are very large risks that cannot be reasonably addressed by parents, coaches, school administrators maybe, then regulatory bodies should not impose restrictions.

I expect that these regulatory entities probably believe that they are doing this already. And I know reasonable minds can differ but my sense is that some of these rules affect more the goals of the elite than they do protect the participants.

Just my humble opinion. smile

Take your own advice.