There are a lot of ideas being floated around out here. I am going to list the one's that I think could be implemented very easily without incurring additional costs to the school system....
1. Increase the match limit to 6 or 7 matches in a day. I think this would actually save the school district $$$ because a lot of tournaments could go from 2 day tournaments to 1 day tournaments.
2. Incorporate Bad Bo's idea of an additonal weigh in before the placing rounds. He is spot on with his reasoning and it doesn't cost a thing. In fact I think it would do more to keep kids from cutting an unhealthy amount of weight than the current certification and hydration testing does.
3. Increase the season point limit in order to do more duals. We are losing the casual sports fans and the support from the student bodies because hardly anyone has home duals at the school anymore. The mid-week duals are great to get the student body energized about the wrestling team. We need to improve this.
4. Lift the 500 mile rule. What purpose does it actually serve? The schools that can afford it or want to fund raise should have the freedom to do so. If a school doesn't want to travel like that.....they don't have to.
I think these 4 rules are very easy to implement without a large cost burden on the respective school districts.
Shawn Budke