So to sum it all up, poorly run tournaments, all day in a gym and bad awards is going to kill the sport. Why do you think entries and numbers are down? Bad economy, maybe a little, keeping new kids to the sport out, a lot!
you missed the last point completely- if you have a problem address it at the tournament,or send a PM, if it's constructive criticism, or suggestions for improvement let it be heard. keep the negatives to yourself.
you have complained about these things in the last week- building size, medal size,meal appearance, seating, concessions, refs, table workers, brackets, long days,costs and so on.
yet the only thing you have offered as constructive criticism is to host better tournaments to keep kids involved. first of all i'm not sure how far down the numbers are. we have two clubs 60 kids each, with less than 30,000 population, GE novice had 600 kids!!, EK close to 500 sat. and sun. each. i think the biggest contributing factor is clubs, in close proxcimity, hosting tournament on the same day. hutch/ haysville, pittsburg/ independence, linn county/ olathe south, just to name a few.
the first tournament i ever went to 25 years ago we were there until 10 o'clock at night!! my dad said this is ridiculous we aren't doing this. many people came to us and said, most tournaments are good, don't quit because of one bad experience. we didn't, you couldn't have forced my brother or i to quit we loved it.
if we would of heard from someone like you, after that tournament my dad might have very well told YOU'RE DONE. i usually find 1 or 2 bad tournaments a year, so what, the next year most of them have learned and improved.
wrestling tournament are crowded, NEVER been to one that wasn't, i know in missouri when you and your parents did it things were great, too bad i never went there, i don't know what i'm missing. i have never judged a tournament on medals, and will teach my son to be the same. i JOKE about hospitality rooms being good, but would NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT FREE FOOD!.
lastly i would like to know what tournament you run now, i would like to attend, and take notes.