98, 105, 112, 120 ,128, 136, 146, 156, 167, 178, 193, 225, 245, unlimited

I think in this weight format 14 weights - teams would be open most at 98 and 245.

As far as the NFHS proposal goes I do not think they should eliminate 103. My HS weights were 98,105,126, 138 and in college 167 all 4.5 years. Granted that was a long time ago - my weight today (college weight plus a lighter HS weight) some of you can figure that out. Today, in general you will find more kids at the lighter weights (under 110) that have more wrestling years of experience coming in as freshman. It seems to me that there are not as many kids coming into high school that are over 210 with a lot of mat time - high school coaches tend to try to get freshman football and/or bigger guys to fill the upper weights.
Maybe I am wrong - but parents of the little guys try to get them involved in a sport where they can compete against someone closer to their size. We as kids club coaches need to get out to those little league football games, BBall games (yikes), soccer and grab some of these atheletes and expose them to wrestling.
Or get kids that are already in wrestling all to bring one or two buddies to practice by the 6th or 7th grade.