In our kids club room in Lawrence, we have a group JR high kids who work hard every day with the goal of not just being varsity 103 lbers, but strong varsity 103 lbers! It's the body size they were given and they are doing their best with what they got. They're not busting their butt just to "fill a slot." The "reality" is these kids care about the sport of wrestling because their is opportunity in it for them at their size.

I say keept 103! 107 and 108 are esentially 109/110!

On a side note, I think there is quite a lot of room between 215 and 285 though. The new proposals seem to hurt the smaller kids while not helping the larger kids.

Last edited by Paratroop; 02/24/10 02:27 PM. Reason: spelling

B. Star
Lawrence, KS
Sunflower Kids Wrestling Club
"Rivals on the mat, friends in life"