The good part was he was one match from qualifying for state. So, the 170 lber should just play basketball because he is not 95 lbs? Like I said there aren't that many to draw from across the board at 103 even if a particular school has a lot of light guys in waves.

The kids that can't quite get to 103 also have some issues with success as you mention and that wouldn't make a difference if the weight was 103 or 93.
We have to look at the sport as a whole across the state and for all weight classes. There needs to be some revision at the top and bottom and opportunities need to exist for some of the mid upper weight kids, where there are a lot of athletes all the time across the board. One individual example doesn't change the fact that there are a lot of holes in every tournament all year round for the 103s. 107 is still pretty light and it actually allows for more athletes to make the lower weights and evens the gaps in the mid uppers-- especially if you look at the actual proposals.

I am for more opportunities for all of our wrestlers. Revising the weights allows for more kids to find a spot they fit without 11, 18, 25 and 60 lb gaps.

Last edited by Thompson; 02/25/10 02:28 PM.

Tate Thompson
Head Wrestling Coach
Pratt High School