Originally Posted By: Quagmire

Cade Blair is a potential 3 timer(undefeated with a close match with Cokeley)
Taylor Moeder is a potential 2 timer and maybe even 3(has a loss because of a very controversial DQ)
Chase Nitcher is a potential 2 timer(has not lost to anyone ranked below him in 2 years)
Ryne Cokeley is a potential 3 timer and is the only wrestler in the class of 2011 that can be a 4 timer(he has not loss to a kid ranked below him in 2 years as well)
Parker Madl is a potential 2 timer and is undoubtedly one of Kansas' most dominate wrestlers this year.

On the Colt Rogers and Danny Floyde topic. I would be willing to bet a lot of money that if the current "Fab Five" were in 3-2-1a they would all be undefeated 4 timers. JMO

I'd take that bet.

Cade Blair's freshman year he was JV for Valley Center. I can remember reading results from the Fredonia Tournament, he won in a one point match against a state qualifier from Burlington who went 0-2 at the state tournament. I believe he was wrestling at 130 which would have meant he would have wrestled 2X state champion Nathan Broeckelman of Norton. Safe to say Blair would not have had a cake walk as a 321A wrestler, he'd have been lucky to make it to state. He has improved 10 fold since that freshman campaign, but that year he was not quite the impressive wrestler you see now.

Nitcher and Madl freshman year's would've matched them in the same weight as Colt Rogers of Smith Center, I wouldn't say this is a gimme. Not to mention the fact they'd have wrestled one another had they both been in 321A.

During Cokeley's freshman year he could have likely won 321A, but he would have needed to go through 2X state champion Collin Hase of Silver Lake. Hase had performed well against Sharky Slyter who had beaten Ryne in the regional finals. I think this would have been an interesting matchup.

Moder is the only person I can say with confidence that I think could've won a state championship in the 321A bracket he was in as a freshman. He would've met Fracisco Antillion of Scott City who he has wins over in his career.

Don't just go and make some uneducated assumptions on how a wrestler might have performed in a classification without looking at past data.

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