Originally Posted By: Ricky Bobby

I just didn't want you to bet the farm or all of that money you've been making from flying planes without a little food for thought.

I will point out that the only 4X time state champions who ever went undefeated were in 5A and 6A programs, so I'd say the odds might be higher in these divisions. In fact only one wrestler ranks on the list for career win-loss record in 321A at the moment and Colt Rogers will bump him out of the top 20 upon joining the list.

Top 20 Career Records in Kansas

let me know richard robert, where your bet goes here, with the odds or your heart. roberson and maynes were very dominant in hs and defenitely sought out the competition, everywhere, and in the off-season. you are faced with a big bet here. odds are because no wrestler in 321a has gone undefeated, that it you should bet against maynes and roberson. what is it gonna be? do you go with the odds, and those precious stats, or do you go with that mt.dew filled gut? jsut don't want you to lose all that wonder bread money. trying to follow too many stats will get you into as much trouble as not knowing the facts. have never seen it in print, but have heard the legends that maynes was never even taken down in hs. maybe another statistic to look up before deciding.

by the way i see on the newest members list there's a fella you know well on there, you and FRANKTHETANK could be brothers, you look so much alike.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"