Absolutely no argument with these guys:
Cade Blair - VC-Has to be considered one of the fiercest competitors to step on the mat in Kansas. Look in his eyes while he is wrestling, and you see quickly it is all business.
Ryne Cokeley - SJA-Not a position that he isn't familiar with, fun to watch
Parker Madl - BV only saw him at one tourney, and have to say wow. Built like a brick Sh*thouse
Taylor Moeder - SJA-As smooth as you will see.
Chase Nitcher - VC-Probably the best initial flurry of action you will see in Kansas. As good of hips as you'll find.

Add to the list:
Tyler Anderson CC-nasty, smooth, funky, whatever you dial up, he's in......

BJ Finney-I didn't see him put himself in a bad position all year. Totally in control of every match.

Dylan Walker ELDorado-A kid that hasn't gotten much attention. This is going to ruffle some feathers, but he is HANDS DOWN the best 189 lb kid in the state. You can argue all you want, but it won't do any good. He throttled a stud in the Anderson kid from CC.