the sensational 6
the significant 7
the elite 8
the nasty 9
the tantilizing 10
the electric 11
the dirty dozen 12
the bestest baker's dozen 13
the filthy 14
the fantasy 15
the satirical 16
the insignificant 17
the dirty dozen and a half 18
the numerous 19
the totally too many numbers to be impressive 20
the whole point is, anyone can make a list and anyone can argue for or against that list. if you don't like the list make your own. it's not like this is the ncaa and we vote on championships, or come up with some fantasy formula, and pick a champ, it wrestling not the bcs. if the list was bigger colt would be on it. he is not. make your own list, the best 3 sport athlete in kansas state history i don't know.
the i like will cokeley list
the i can't stand will cokeley list

Last edited by HEADUP; 03/06/10 02:47 PM.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"