Originally Posted By: usa wrestling
I understand both sides points ive personally met both wrestlers and i agree with facts from both sides. I would of like to see Colt get the knod this year no souly because i think hes better then Ryne or Taylor but that it was his Sr. Year joining a groupe of men that includes such likes as Zach Roberson, Bo Maynes, Clay Madden sorry had to throw a 3-2-1 a wouldnt want to get slammed. I understand the need for small schools to have every one possible compeat but its hard for people to show alot of respect for smaller school thus the fact that not to many of them go to the next level or seak out summer comp. I see Mr Coekleys view and Mr Rogers if you wanna say so on so " Higher a trainer and train for 10-11 months" I guess that just how serious some people are about the sport and i aploud them for such deducation but also to the parents of those wrestling because trust me first hand its neither cheap or relaxing in any way but the love for the sport fuels that fire for such wrestlers as Ryne, Taylor, Parker.How ever Mr Rogers if this was a track / football talk forum Colt would prolly be number 1. But shame on you for coming into a wrestling talk forum and dogging kids that LOVE to wrestler no matter what month it is!!!!!!

1. He wasn't "dogging" anybody. He was defending his son.

2. Learn to spell

Dylan Campbell
Oakley, KS