Mr. Cambell I understand completely where you coming from I have to been taken to serious at times on this post board.

I understand that some people are bringing both wrestlers down to try and prove there point 2 fathers sticking up for there sons which they should not be criticized for cause we all know most Fathers for the most part would say, do , or act in any way to protect/defend there son’s in something they both feel strongly about. And ive seen on another post that Colt ceraintly holds the state record for takedowns break sharky slyter record if iam not mistaken.

These are the Facts iam stating on here
1. Colt is a 4xer with qualities wins over Hase which I believe gave Nathan Furches his first high school loss
2. Ryne is a 3xer with good win over to many to count because of him national success.
3. Cade a 3xer with maybe one of the biggest upsets for his first title over Crank in the Quarters
4. Chase prolly would of possibly been a 4xer if he didn’t have those dang keller  just to point out said that in all joking matter.haha
5. And Taylor that has jumped leeps and bounds from joining the SJA in my personal option and cold bang with the best.

Now for my Option on the fab 5

I would have Rogers, Ryne, Caylor, Paker, Chase

1. Chase only two titles but his freshman and sophomore year I believed had the keller that became a sr national champ.
2. Caylor for being a 3xer in big weights which is an amazing feet and ive had the honor to have had serval wonderful battles with him.
3. Parker for that fact of his complete power of his weight as he has grown and beating Kendrick maples on a beautiful press is no feet that’s should be over looked
4. Ryne for his traveling and domination at some times with big dog of not only the state of Kansas wrestling but the nation of wrestling countrys state so forth. Speaks for itself.
5. Rogers for his 4th title and a humble young man which no matter what will always have those titles.

And back to you Mr. Cambell about your comment about you hope no body dogs Ryne next year if he is successful in winning his 4th title I read this talk form as much as the next person I he has been trash talked / slammed on here as much If not more then any other wrestler that’s been talked about which is a shame so iam sure there will be haters out there come next year but as in the same case as Colt I don’t think it with bother Ryne in any way because hel be able to look at those 4 4a state champion ship medals.

Just my thought sorry if I affend any body for leaving off your picks