Originally Posted By: Dylan Campbell
Will, I like you...but most of the stuff you say on this forum could be taken as a personal attack by someone.

He wasn't saying it was wrong to move them up, he was saying that they don't move up very often because they don't want the kid above them to have to sit there and watch without a match. Kale Newell was at 135 this year. Would you bump a kid of that caliber so your 130 lb kid could have a tough match instead?

It's hard to sit a kid so your star can get a tough match. Right or wrong it's tough to tell a kid that worked his ass off all week that he can't wrestle because your best kid wants a better match. Now in a dual...not so much of a problem. Usually you can get the other coach to agree to wrestle exhibition with the other kid. Most of the time where we see tough competition is at tournaments though, and it's hard to sit a kid for a whole tournament when he needs that tournament to get better.

Call me crazy, but I don't think it was a personal attack. I think you may have read into it the wrong way because he started out his post saying that you had your pants in a wad.

I think I am attacking nearly every 321A AD who won't change the wrestling team' schedule! smile Smith Center and Norton do step out and wrestle a more difficult schedule but I would like to see more 321A teams attend the top 5 individual tournaments in the state. I would also like to see more 321A guys join the junior and cadet dual teams and go to Fargo.

My point on the lineup...If Mike was only protecting Colt why would he say ANYTHING about how SJA adjusts their lineup?

I don't wear any so I didn't take that comment personally. smile

I like Mike (the entire Rogers family) and I am not mad now. It just seems that much of the conjecture on here could be eliminated by AD's scheduling the best competition for their teams and/or individuals. All three of the best HS tournaments in the country permit individuals to attend. Silver Lake did it this year and SJA has done it in the past. Schedule two events and take your team to one and your elite wrestlers to the other. That way a JV wrestler gets to wrestle in a varsity event he wouldn't have otherwise been able to. The individual tournament is bolstered by adding some studs to the brackets and creating the marquis matchups that all wrestling fans love to see. Just because it has always been done "that way" doesn't mean it is the best way to do it.

Will Cokeley