
I still haven’t figured out how a sophomore could be in the 14-year old division. The only way this is possible is if you have a Doogie Houser??? …if so isn’t this kid at just as much of a “disadvantage” as a senior at High School State. If he wrestled in the 14-year old division as a sophomore he would be 16 going on 17 as a senior???

My point is…that there is always a top side for every wrestler. Some just wait a little longer to reap the rewards. The 7th graders wrestling in the 14 year old division will become a more salty and seasoned high school wrestler. …and when they are seniors, they will be without question the oldest kids competing on the mat.

I once had a Dad tell me that the hardest jump in USAW Kid’s Federation was going from the 10 to the 12 year old division. Two years later he was convinced that it was the move from 12 to 14 which was toughest. Most of these types of questions come down to your personal perspective. USAWKS ties age divisions to the school cutoff date and it is a 24 month span regardless of your grade in school. There may be other methods to group kids but I have not been convinced that we are wrong and MO is right.

I like the “Grand State” idea and if it got traction I would be in favor of moving the freshman to a High School division. But, until it is up and running you will have a difficult time convincing me that we should alter the 14 or 16 year old divisions as they are now. USAWKS works and works well.

Mark Stanley