I wasn't whining about weigh-ins, just simply pointing out that Hood and Weller wrestled much smaller kids, therefore should have won easily. Perhaps I should have typed that a bit slower for you as well, as it is pretty obvious your reading comprehension skills are quite lacking. If you guys need to drop 2 weights to win a match....fine. So be it.

Also, what does you wrestling 167 in college and not weighing that now have to do with anything? Seriously, can you offer any more of an inane non sequitur?

Oh Mr. Fudge
1. You have been busted for lies! We could provide about 11 pages of whining on your MO. website about how we don't weigh our kids in Ks.

2. There was no comic relief intended. My son weighed 126 or less on Tuesday at weigh in as did the Waters boy, Therefore they are in the same weight class. Read Slowly and I will try to explain. 2 kids that weigh the same weight on the same night are in the same weight class. One is not 1 or 2 weight classes heavier.

3. To explain further: I do not consider myself a 167 lb wrestler even though I wrestled that weight at one time in my past. You should be able to pick up on the conection here.

And Most Importantly

4. In Kansas we understand that Missouri won, and Kansas lost last night. No excuses, you beat us last night. Good Job.

I only wish I had some fancy word that everybody in Kansas had to look up to finish my post with. Maybe Will will help me out with that one!