To me the kids who followed the rules did nothing wrong but they are the first of a unique group who had the "option" to decide what to do. I know each of the kids mentioned and their families. They are great people and they have done NOTHING wrong. No one is saying that they have but their results have to be observed to see if changes should be made in the future. Congratulations to ALL of the wrestlers this weekend. Win or lose they are all champions and no one is calling anyone out on this thread.

In Missouri and Oklahoma HS wrestlers are not allowed to compete against middle school wrestlers in their state tournament series. That makes it a pure "Kids" state tournament division.

I don't think we should slip down the slppe of saying that a FR who has been in a HS room for nearly four months has "earned the right" to wrestle kids who DID NOT have the opportunity to practice five days a week against kids that could be three years older than them. When you can walk from your locker to practice immediately after school for five nights of workouts with a professional coach it is a HUGE advantage over kids club wrestlers who have to travel to practice and usually on get three or four nights a week in against kids not young men.

I would like to see us split the state tournament up. Lets get 6,8,10 year olds done the weekend of or before HS regionals. They need subs, dist and state. The size of that event would allow us to move it around: Hays, Salina, Wichita, Pittsburg, and Topeka. The 12, 14, and HS state would be held by having a Dist on the Saturday after HS state and State the following weekend. Again, small enough to use several venues.

Our tournament has outgrown any available arena. Saturday after the parade of clubs we started wrestling and the floor was really crowded. I looked around and we had fans sitting in every row all the way to the top and from one corner to the other!!! It was awesome but this means we are too big.

This plan gives families their spring break back. Lets you go to the NCAA tournament without giving up the kids state series. Lets the little wrestlers start baseball, soccer, lacrosse or whatever as those age groups don't need to be singularly focused on wrestling yet.

Lets get it done!

Will Cokeley