New Proposal will have 112 state champions in Kansas and 560 state placers in the 14 weights over 8 classes. That is if I read the proposal correct. That is a lot of hardware. The powers to be say it will not cost KSHSAA more money. They do say it will cost individual schools (or their members) more money for post season activities - tough call during huge statewide budget problems. The money has to come from somwhere.
The way I read this proposal: is public schools will go from 4 classes to 7 classifications and the private schools will be in their own division or 8th classification.
Art. 1: All member senior high schools shall be divided into
eight classes- 6A, 5A, 4A1, 4A2, 3A, 2A, 1A and All Private.
Class 6A shall include the thirty-two (32) public
high schools with the largest enrollments; Class 5A the
next thirty-two (32) public high schools; Class 4A1 the
next thirty-two (32) public high schools; Class 4A2 the
next thirty-two (32) public high schools; Class 3A the
next sixty-four (64) public high schools; Class 2A the next
forty-eight (48) public high schools and Class 1A , the
remainder public high schools; and an all Private school
Below is the Link to KSHSAA April, 2010 Board Meeting and items being voted on. State High School Activities Association
Topeka Kansas
Friday, April 23, 2010—4 p.m.
(hearings and discussion only)
Saturday, April 24, 2010—9 a.m.
(final action and Executive Board elections)
Bylaws, XVI, amendments, state:
Section 1: The bylaws and articles of incorporation may be amended at any regular or called meeting of the Board of Directors
by a majority vote of those present of the Board of Directors, and the approval of the Kansas State Board of Education.
Section 2: KSHSAA Board of Directors’ agenda items must be presented in writing to the Association Executive Director 40 days
in advance of the September and April meetings. Only those items submitted by the following will be recognized:
1. Board of Directors members
2. Executive Board, provided the item received a majority vote of those present
3. Superintendents, principals and board of education members of member schools
4. Board of Directors may add items, which were not previously published on the agenda, at the time of the meeting, provided
it is done by three-fourths vote of those present.
On page 22 of the KSHSAA Handbook, under Rules and Regulations Governing Grades 7-12, the first paragraph concerning
AMENDMENTS reads as follows:
The rules and regulations for grades seven through twelve (grade school, middle school, junior high and senior high) may be
amended at any regular or called meeting of the board of Directors by a majority vote of the entire membership.
In the 1981 legislative session, the following, which applies to unified school districts, was passed:
Any member who abstains from voting shall be counted as voting against the motion or resolution. If a member
announces a conflict of interest with regard to the issue, the member may leave the meeting until the vote on the issue is
concluded and the member who abstains from voting thereby shall not be counted as having voted. K.S.A. 72-8205.
(Unless otherwise indicated, underlined portions are recommended changes in rules.)
Friday, April 23
1. Call to Order and Welcome. - President
2. Roll Call, Announcements and Introduction
of Members - Executive Director
3. State of Association Remarks.
- Executive Director
4. Introduction of Agenda Items. - President
5. Public Forum. – (speaker registration
6. Break
7. Discussion on Agenda Action Items.
-Board of Directors
8. Adjourn
1. Each Handbook rule is divided into three sections:
Section 1: General Regulations (apply to grades 7-12)
Section 2: Senior High Regulations
Section 3: Middle/Junior High School Regulations (includes students in grades 7 and 8, middle
school and junior high)
2. Unless stated otherwise, articles passed by a majority of the members present will become effective
upon publication of the minutes.
2 April Board Agenda
Saturday, April 24
9. Call to Order and Roll Call
10. Approve September 16, 2009 Minutes
Classification of Senior High Schools
Section 1: A classification system shall be established for
senior high schools involved in interscholastic activities under
the supervision of the KSHSAA.
Sec. 2: The classification system for each activity is based
upon criteria developed and approved by the KSHSAA Board
of Directors.
Sec. 3: The Executive Board may combine or separate Classes
at any time if the number of participating schools in an activity
so warrants.
Sec. 4: Modification of the classification system may be proposed
by the KSHSAA Board of Directors, the Executive Board, or
by petition from a member school. A petition must be signed
by the principal and superintendent of at least 20 percent
of the schools in the Classes modified by the proposal and
presented to the KSHSAA Executive Director by December 1
of any school year. Any proposal, before it becomes effective,
shall be approved first by the KSHSAA Board of Directors,
and second, by a majority of all schools affected and a majority
of all Classes affected. When only two Classes are affected,
the proposal must have a majority support from each Class.
11. Modify Rule 5, Classification of Senior High
Schools, Section 2, Article 6, to read as follows:
Art. 1: All member senior high schools shall be divided into
six Classes—6A, 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A and 1A. Class 6A shall
include the thirty-two (32) high schools with the largest
enrollments; Class 5A the next thirty-two (32); 4A the next
sixty-four (64); 3A the next sixty-four (64); 2A the next
sixty-four (64); and Class 1A, the remainder.
Art. 1: All member senior high schools shall be divided into
eight classes- 6A, 5A, 4A1, 4A2, 3A, 2A, 1A and All Private.
Class 6A shall include the thirty-two (32) public
high schools with the largest enrollments; Class 5A the
next thirty-two (32) public high schools; Class 4A1 the
next thirty-two (32) public high schools; Class 4A2 the
next thirty-two (32) public high schools; Class 3A the
next sixty-four (64) public high schools; Class 2A the next
forty-eight (48) public high schools and Class 1A , the
remainder public high schools; and an all Private school
FOOTBALL EXCEPTION: Classifications, for the purpose
of determining district football assignments, shall be
based on the total enrollment in the school’s ninth, tenth
and eleventh grades as submitted to the KSHSAA on the
date established by state statute for official enrollment.
For the purpose of district football, utilizing this exception,
member schools will be classified as follows:
Class 6A: 32 largest member schools playing 11-Man
Class 5A: 32 next largest member schools playing 11-
Man football
Class 4A: 64 next largest member schools playing 11-
Man football
Class 3A: 64 next largest member schools playing 11-
Man football
Class 2-1A: All other member schools playing 11-Man
8-Man: participating schools will be assigned to two
separate Divisions, as established by the Executive Board
NOTE: For 8-Man district football participation, assignments
shall be limited to those schools with a maximum
enrollment of 100 students in grades 9, 10 and 11. (See
Rule 35-2-3, Football.)
Class 6A: 32 largest member public high schools playing
11-Man football
Class 5A: 32 next largest member public high schools
playing 11-Man football
Class 4A1: 32 next largest member public high schools
playing 11-Man football
Class 4A2: 32 next largest member public high schools
playing 11-Man football
Class 3A: 64 next largest member public high schools
playing 11-Man football
Class 2A: 48 next largest member public high schools
playing 11-Man football
Class 1A: All other member public high schools playing
11-Man football
8-Man: participating member high schools will be assigned
to two separate Divisions, as established by the
Executive Board.
Private: participating member private high schools will
be assigned to at least two separate divisions, as established
by the Executive Board. (8 man Private schools to
be assigned by the Executive Board per Article XII sec. III)
NOTE: For 8-man district football participation, assignments
shall be limited to those schools with a maximum
enrollment of 100 students 9, 10 and 11. (See Rule 35-
2-3, Football.)
Schools not requesting a football district assignment will
have their position filled in each category by the next
school moving up in enrollment.
Class 1A Exception: Class 1A schools shall compete in two
separate divisions in volleyball, basketball and scholar’s
bowl for post-season and KSHSAA state championship
competition. (Effective 2010-11)
Following annual classification and determination of
schools assigned to Class 1A, the half of the schools with
the larger enrollments will be assigned to Division I and
the half with smaller enrollments will be assigned to Division
II. If Class 1A has an odd number of schools, Division
I will be assigned one more school than Division II.
Source of Recommendation: Frontier League (2-26-2010)
2010 3
12. Modify Rule 5, Classification of Senior High
Schools, Section 2, Article 6, to read as follows:
Art. 6: In classifying high schools for activity purposes, those
composed entirely of boys or girls shall double their enrollment
figures. For example, a boys’ school comprised of 125
students would be placed in the same classification as a
coeducational school with 250 students. In classifying high
schools for activity purposes, private or parochial schools
shall be placed in the next classification above based on
student enrollment as currently outlined in Article 1 and
Article 3 of Rule 5. For example, a private or parochial
school classified as a 2A school based on enrollment would
be placed in one classification above or 3A for all activities.
Source of Recommendation: North Central Kansas League
13. Modify Rule 30, Seasons of Activities, Section
2, Article 1, to read as follows:
Art. 6: No school-organized spring or summer practice or
school-organized summer camps, shall be permitted. (See
Rule 20-1-1e, Awards.)
a. A coach may organize and administer a one-week (per
sport) camp for his/her players only, provided the following
guidelines are met:
(1) The school shall not be involved other than to approve
the use of facilities, dates and to be assured by the
coach there will be no violations of KSHSAA rules and/
or regulations.
(2) It shall be conducted following the conclusion of the
second semester Saturday before Memorial Day and before
Sunday of Standardized Calendar Week #3.
(3) Member schools, the coaches and coach aides they
employ, may not conduct contact football camps. (See
Rule 10-1-6 (c), Qualifications of Coaches and Rule
35-1-5, Football.)
Source of Recommendation: Executive Board (1-14-2010)
14. Modify Rule 30, Seasons of Activities, Section
1, Article 6(4), to read as follows:
Art. 6: No school-organized spring or summer practice or
school-organized summer camps, shall be permitted. (See
Rule 20-1-1e, Awards.)
a. A coach may organize and administer a one-week (per
sport) camp for his/her players only, provided the following
guidelines are met:
(1) The school shall not be involved other than to approve
the use of facilities, dates and to be assured by the
coach there will be no violations of KSHSAA rules and/
or regulations.
(2) It shall be conducted following the conclusion of the
second and before Sunday of Standardized Calendar
Week #3. (Subject to change per previous agenda item.)
(3) Member schools, the coaches and coach aides they
employ, may not conduct contact football camps. (See
Rule 10-1-6 (c), Qualifications of Coaches and Rule
35-1-5, Football.)
(4) School uniforms or player equipment may not be
used. Exception: Use of school owned football helmets at
the school coach’s non-contact, one week camp, is permitted.
If school facilities (gymnasium, fields, balls, bats,
etc.) are used, the coach must lease them per board of
education policy.
Source of Recommendation: Centennial League (12-1-2009)
15. Elect Executive Board Members from the Board
of Directors per Bylaw Article V.
Sec. 2: Board of Director members shall elect Executive Board
members at their spring meeting in the categories listed,
to two-year terms. Members in each category shall elect
their own representative. Board of Directors organizational
members are eligible for election in their school’s
respective category.
a. Classes 6A, 4A, 2A, in even years 3
b. Classes 5A, 3A, 1A in odd years 3
c. Middle/Junior High Schools in even years 1
d. Board of Education in odd years 1
e. State Board of Education in even years 1
Vacancies in the above categories shall be elected by their
respective representatives within sixty (60) days after
notice of such vacancy. They shall fulfill the unexpired
term of that position.
Sec. 3: After the nine category representatives have been
elected, where necessary, at-large representatives shall
also be elected by the entire Board of Directors from its
membership to fill the following voids:
a. If available, both genders shall be represented.
b. If available, a minority member (e.g. Native American
or Alaska Native; African-American; Asian or Pacific
Islanders; or Hispanic) shall be represented.
c. If available, a superintendent shall be represented.
d. Geographically, each congressional district shall be
At-large representatives shall serve one-year terms.
The above creates an Executive Board of nine (9) to fourteen
(14) members.
In filling vacancies in Sec. 3 on the Executive Board, all
Board of Director members shall select a qualified member
from the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy not more
than sixty (60) days after notice of such vacancy. Each
appointee to fill a vacancy shall hold office until the next
regular election date when a successor shall be elected.
4 April Board Agenda
Ath. Dir. Ron Commons, Lawrence
Ath. Dir. Bill Faflick, Wichita USD 259
Robert Gonzales, Manhattan
Ath. Dir. Steve Harms, Overland Park – Blue Valley Northwest
Ath. Dir. Michelle Kuhns, Wichita – South
Prin. Tony Lake, Overland Park – Blue Valley West
Ath. Dir. Penny Lane, Topeka – Washburn Rural
Prin. Cara Ledy, Wichita – South
Asst. Prin. Christina Lentz, Leavenworth
Prin. James Mireles, Garden City
Prin. Gwen Poss, Olathe – Northwest
Prin. Myron Regier, Wichita – Haysville Campus
Ath. Dir. Bill Stiegemeier, Shawnee Mission – South
Prin. Ken Thiessen, Wichita – East
Prin. Mike Adams, Clay Center Community
Prin. Blaise Bauer, Girard
Prin. Steve Blankenship, Pratt
Prin. J.B. Elliott, Perry – Lecompton
Prin. Tracy Giddens, Haven
Prin. David Morford, DeSoto
Prin. Sherry Reeves, Basehor – Linwood
Joyce Siniard, Kingman
Ath. Dir. Bobby Taul, Topeka – Hayden
Prin. Kent Wire, Chanute
Prin. Larry Anderson, Alma – Wabaunsee
Prin. Doug Beisel, Oskaloosa
Prin. Patrick McKernan, Seneca – Nemaha Valley
Prin. Alan Stein, Hill City
Prin. Galen Unruh, Elbing – Berean Academy
Supt. Bill Walker, Mankato – Rock Hills
Prin. Bob Warkentine, Solomon
Prin. Rod Wittmer, Oswego
Prin. Paul Zuzelski, Syracuse
Prin. Tavis Desormiers, WaKeeney
Prin. Bruce Krase, Whitewater – Remington
Prin. Mitch Lubin, Wellsville
Prin. J.D. Nelson, Leavenworth – Warren
Prin. Keith Pauly, Clearwater
Prin. Richard Proffitt, Eudora
(2-YEAR TERM – Elected by Kansas State
Board of Education)
This position is filled by action of the Kansas State Board
of Education. The representative must be a member of the
Kansas State Board of Education.
16. Approve proposed meeting dates for the 2010-
11 school year as follows:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Friday, April 29, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
17. Recognitions & Closing Announcements –
President & Executive Director
18. 2010-11 Executive Board – Organizational
(15 minutes following adjournment