HEADUP --- You are so full of $#!++ (baloney).

To Start with tuition for SMC is FREE(for tithing parishioners). So what exactly where they or are they waving? If said recruits aren't parishioners there is a small fee. But untill someone proves otherwise, I'm going to have to call your bluff and say you're lying about any pass on tuition for athletic talent.

Now I am going to challenge you to prove me wrong so I can publicly apologize to you. Give me your name, the coach-contact person-administrator that offered a "pass", and any other pertinent information so we can get to the truth. Trust me, I have the contacts to and am more than willing to follow up on this.

Also in your spare time you might check out SMC roster and see how many 2nd and 3rd generation students fill the lineup. Its tuff to call it recruiting when your parents and your parents parents all went to the same school.

**side note** With Colgans baseball teams over the last several yrs, it really wouldn't matter if they were 2A, 3A, or 4A. So how would it make the world better to beat down TMP's football team?

Duane Wuthnow
Salina, Kansas - Proud parent of two student athletes at SALINA SACRED HEART JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, home to 31 (thirty-one) state chapionship banners!!

**side note #2** You must be one heck of an athlete, because my kids are pretty d@%% good, and we still pay full tuition. (tuition at SHHS is far from free)