"a rhetorical question, why would they spend all that money just for the same education they can get at a public school? It's not just the extra religion class. Every church offers Sunday school and religious training for all children for far less than the cost of attending the catholic grade and high schools. I believe there is an intangible "more" they seek."

Let me answer your question...I have put 3 boys through Catholic grade school, 2 through Aquinas and my youngest will be a freshman there next year. You obviously have no idea what happens at Catholic schools...the kids are immersed in the Faith. Prayer every morning, Mass at least once a week. Other Sacraments offered on a regular basis. 4 years of theology is required (sorry can't get that in CCD class). Our kids are free to celebrate CHRISTMAS and EASTER (not winter break). Mission trips, service hours (required) and opportunities to live the Faith are offered. This on top of very challenging academic standards (which are recognized by colleges).

My middle son was fortunate to be at Aquinas at a time when two State championships were won in wrestling. We can only be so lucky if that happens at least once when my youngest is there...but wrestling or sports in general is not the reason we are there...we are there because of the above mentioned opportunities in Faith and academics.

Every family has choices (for now) ... and our choice was to educate our kids in Catholic schools. This has come at a great sacrifice, we live in the same small house, drive cars until they basically die (last van had about 180,000 miles before we got something new), don't go on vacation except for sports and trust me when that monthly payment to Aquinas starts up again in June we will feel it.

From my perspective it is worth every penny.

Sharon Henes
STA Wrestling - President Emeritus!