Forgive me if I sound like the "Dutch Uncle" here, but these comments are getting pretty far adrift of the intent of my intended post.

While I genuinely love the colloquy and/or discourse involved in conversations debating the merits of Religion and politics, in my humble opion, these topics invariably lead to a dead-end street, with no resolution and rife with discord, bitterness and/or hurt feelings.

Simply stated, as I perceive the issue, it is:

In athletics, do private schools enjoy some sort of advantage, given the "presumed" fact, that they can "recruit" (i.e. waive fees and/or other admission criteria) and allow students to enroll in their institution, such that they enjoy a distinct advantage over the public schools?

Not to be too dismissive of the comments and/or criticisms leveled at private and public high schools, I choose to believe that, in the main, they were not enormously helpful in sorting out the "right" position on this particular issue - not that I know what the "right" position is, but I'll give it a try:

If a private school, identifies a steller athlete,with no prior association with their school (and/or their religion - in the case of parochial schools) is contacted with an eye toward attending their school, with the understanding that expensive fees will be waived, and/or other admission criteria will waived, then I'd like to think that the athletic scales are being tweaked unfairly and unethically such that the powers that be should interecede and level the playing field.

That aside, leave it alone!