Cost of Living 1971
How Much things cost in 1971
Yearly Inflation Rate USA 4.3%
Yearly Inflation Rate UK 8.6%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 890
Average Cost of new house $25,250.00
Average Income per year $10,600.00
Average Monthly Rent $150.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas 40 cents
Datsun 1200 Sports Coupe $1,866.00
United States postage Stamp 8 cents
Ladies 2 piece knit suites $9.98
Movie Ticket $1.50
Below are some Prices for UK guides in Pounds Stirling

Average House Price 5,632
Gallon of Petrol 0.33
To find more prices and information for the 70's including 1971

Technology 1971
• Oil Production from the North Sea begins in Norway

• Intel releases world's first microprocessor, the 4004.

• Texas Instruments releases the first pocket calculator

• The First Internet Chat rooms appear

• The First Cat Scanner Produced by EMI

• BBC Open University broadcasts begin in the UK.

• The Aswan Dam is completed in Egypt

• The Worlds Largest Tanker 372,400 tons Nisseki Maru is launched

• Apollo 14 lands on the Moon.

• Apollo 15 astronauts become the first to ride in a lunar rover a day after landing on the surface.

• Three Soviet cosmonauts die during Soyuz 11 accident.

• First Soft Contact Lens became available commercially in the USA

Inventions Invented by Inventors and Country ( or attributed to First Use )
Microprocessor USA
Pocket Calculator The Sharp Company
E-Mail USA Ray Tomlinson
Floppy Disk USA by IBM

Liquid Crystal Displays ( LCD ) Switzerland

Popular Culture - 1971
• Led Zeppelin releases their untitled fourth album
• Jim Morrison of The Doors found dead in bath tub in Paris
Popular Films
• Love Story
• Summer of '42
• Ryan's Daughter
• The Owl and the Pussycat
• The Aristocats
• Carnal Knowledge
• The Andromeda Strain
• The French Connection
Popular Musicians and songs
• James Taylor
• The Doors
• Bob Dylan
• Tony Orlando and Dawn with " Knock Three Times "
• Janis Joplin with " Me and Bobby Mcgee "
• The Who
• Mungo Jerry
• John Lennon
• The Jackson 5
• Ike and Tina Turner
• Marvin Gaye
• Rod Stewart with " Maggie Mae "
• The Osmonds
• Michael Jackson
• The Rolling Stones with " Brown Sugar "
Check out our Television Programmes From The 70s whenever possible we have included a trailer to jog your memory. Series trailers and more information are found on the decade they started.
Popular TV Programmes
• All My Children
• Mary Tyler Moore
• McCloud
• The Odd Couple
• The Partridge Family