Guess who said all these things?

I guess a related question is How many kids on free or reduced price meals at our affluent suburban parochial schools. Bet not many! Be nice to attend or work in a school where the biggest problem is probably dad wouldn't let Johnny or Bambi drive the Beemer to school today.

Ok. Good coaches and good programs win trophies. No arguement. Stll doe not account for the disparity in the state qualifers or champions in all sports from the parochial schools.

MFE. Do you have your white hood and sheet on. The only thing you apparantely know about inner city schools is what you see as you drive by on th way to your lily white world. Plus, you can see a lot of the same at our suburburan public schools. And, I have seen many of your boys and girls at various activities and it seems that away from school they dress and act just like the city kids---and they play their RAP music just as loud. Must be nice to live in isolation.

I am going to make a wild assumption that you are a token black at a big suburban parochial school. Why else wou you attack some kids----or, you really do have a white hood and sheet!

How many severe CP kids in crutches or wheel chairs do your schools have? How many BD kids? How many kids on reduced /free meals. I have yet to see ananswers on these questions from a 5A or 4A KV area suburban private school. If SPED is not a problem go talk to the Kansas budgeteers and the SM, Olathe and BV school districts.

have nothing personal against private or parochial schools. We are not Catholic. We sent our youngest son to a local Catholic elementary school--until we pulled him out because of a wacko nun teacher and a wacko nun principal. The son was drawing skateboarder symbols and the nuns were adament he was drawing swastikas. Had the nuns ask him what a swastika was and he said he did not know. when I asked the nuns how many of the 5th graders could explain immaculate conception, thats when we parted company!

I have figured out why private church based schools win so many high school championships nationwide. Students teachers, coaches and parents of these schools must be more Godly, and therefore God wants and makes them win.!!!

HAS to be the reason!!!

To hamper their wining would be un-Godly and sinful and would probably result in all us public school heathens being sent immediately to hell (do not pass GO and do not collect $200)(are Christian non-believers heathens and Muslim non-believers infidels--or is it the other way around?????can't keep it straight!)
I am not mocking God.

I am mocking all those who continue to offer a multitude of weak rationalizations and step around why there is such disparity between the accomplishments of parochial and public schools in athletics.

As for MFE, his wanting to slap the sh** out of a few people, or calling some of the kids pimps and prostitutes, is the lowest comments I have read on this board. Perhaps MFE is one of those more Godly people and he earns Heaven Points for his spreading the word!!

How many parishes credit parish donations to the catholic school tuition of the students whose family made the original donation to the parish--and the parents then claimed the parish donation as an itemized income tax deduction. Have catholic friends who told me this common.

If a black student from KC Harmon, a very much inner city schooland environment, with a voucher, with severe CP-in a wheel chair and requiring a full time para, are you and Cokely going to accept that student at your private school. I doubt it. But, I bet you will accept the normal child of the same religion as you who has a voucher. Why the voucher? Probably the parents, at the urging of the church and private school, just wanted to go to a private school. So, public funding of private schools. How will that improve public schools.

Please tell me what is the Lord's Diner. Do noy see it on the list of schools. Why go enroll the disabled child. Just have an administrator at STA, SJA, KMC, Bishop Carrol, Hayden, etc come on this forum and tell me they will accept the disabled child--and that he will even accept them without a voucher.

And again, go read what I said about church donations versus claiming that donation as a tax deduction if credited to the students tuition.

I have come to the conclusion that public schools can never compete with private schools in either athletics or academics. As long as public shcool administrators and teachers are uneducated, try to teach the un-disciplined and un-teachables, who look and act like pimps and prostitutes, there is no future for public education. I originally thought the best proposal, for public and private schools, would be to bump the private schools one classification. Now, in my opinion, the probable best course would be to separate private and public schools by creating one or more private school only classifications--perhaps even have private schools form their own separate activities association, their own leagues, their own post season state tournaments, and their own academic activities. They would not have to be concerned with public schools and we would not be concerned with them.

OK. I looked at the Fire web page. See a lot of fund raising activities, lots of golf tournaments, folks standing around grinning for the camera. What I do not see are pictures of severely handicapped children in a parochial school. I read the news article about the three special needs boys-did not see any pictures of the boys--what is their needs-and what assistance do they require--wheel chairs, crutches, paras. Apparently, since they play softball, their needs are not physical.

Before you start accusing others of name calling and making unfounded accusations, recall your own words. In all your statements I don't see much addressing the issues of supposed private school recruitment and the need to bump private schoosl up a class. I truly feel sorry for you. I don't know how you have been wronged or what happened to make you this angry, but I hope you don't speak the same way around your children.

I am on no warpath, but I have been watching these blogs without chiming in. Now I feel it is time to speak up. You have made this personal to you and hence to many of us also. I don't apologize for sending my kids to private school and you don't have to rationalize your decision.

Why don't you try to keep on subject instead to the personal attacks on the private schools and especially Cokeley. I don't know the history between you two, but both of you need to tone it down a notch toward each other.

I apologize for my comment. Contrarian is correct. My comment was uncalled for and I sincerely apologize. I won't say something stupid like that again.

Kirk Berggren