
Or is it Hallucinarian... I used one word "uneducated" and you are twisting it into dumb and dumb ass??? Surely you can understand that Educators can be uneducated. Just because you know how to teach math doesn't meant that you understand economics. For a guy who promotes himself as having a 146 IQ or IG, you really aren't very smart either! A lawyer is certainly educated in the area of law but does that make him capable of practicing medicine? My point is that public school educators know very little about private schools but the "knee jerk" reaction is "They are winning too much so it MUST be unfair. Penalize them!" You pretend to be so educated but you can't spell or you don't take the time to check your own spelling. Maybe that wasn't part of the IQ test you took... I think I have clearly explained my position and supported it with data. That is why I am on here. Why are you on here? Before I come over, can I ask "What is your wife fixing for dinner?"

Will Cokeley