One more time for MFE.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for you because you grew up poor. A lot of us did that. My dad worked with his hands in construction. My mom was a stay at home mother and housewife. When my dad started smoking roll you owns in the winter, when construction was shut down and he was on unemployment, I was old enough to know thing were tight. Ate a lot of brown beans, fried potatoes and hot dogs--dam they were good eats. Also ate a lot of just mayo sandwiches. Both parents had to quit school in the depression and go to work. All us kids went to public schools. But we must have learned something either at home or at school. Me, I am probably the dumbest of the lot. I paid for and graduated from a small state college, entered the Army, went to Viet Nam, carried a gun and flew helicopters, retired from the Army. Have a Masters degree From Boston U, plus attended several Army technical and professional development schools. Worked 16 years for a large defense company Older brother attend Cornel, fluent in six or seven languages, a beatnik, then a hippie and a pot head for 50+years. Next brother retired from a major oil well drilling, fuel and pipeline company as the head of Info tech. Put himself thru night school. Oldest sister a housewife married to a chemist. Youngest sister, first an art and English teacher, then a lawyer, then a Federal Bankruptcy Judge in the Western Missouri District Court. Twin brothers. One a graduate of the Air Force Academy--killed in service to his country in a plane crash. The other twin-just a working guy.

First time I have ever brought my family history into any thing. I don't need or ask anyone to feel sorry for me!

Last edited by Contrarian; 04/16/10 01:24 AM.

Bill Mason Lansing