Thank you Mr Nowak. I agree with your post. I was probably too verbose. It is a very emotional topic. Here are my key points:

1. Some schools are impacted by recruiting, both directly and indirectly (both private and public, TYPICALLY BECAUSE OF THEIR SUCCESS, both in academics and extracurricular activities.

2. The impact of this "recruiting" is not as significant as you would think. There are exceptions and those exceptions tend to be very big names that do impact a particular team and everyone notices.

3. The larger pool is a debatable argument, particularly if the schools are providing Financial assistance. There are examples in the public districts where kids have more choice. It is easy to argue this both ways.

4. The impact of a multiplier on some schools would be significant. There are valid examples of that in Missouri. While STA or Miege may have success even with a multiplier, others would struggle to compete in some sports, particularly football. But, if I were a 5A football coach in a private school, I might vote for it to get out of 5A dominated by Hutch smile.

5. The majority of the Catholic school players, including the better players are Catholic kids. If you look at some of the Rockhurst kids, Temple, Belfonte, Teahan, they came from Catholic grade schools. The Catholic schools have tradition, large participation rates and some good youth and high school programs. Rockhurst suits 100 kids for their home football games. With that tradition comes expectations. This also can be seen in successful public schools, pick a sport.

6. Just like MLB, the NBA and the NCAA, people like to see parity. They don't see it sometimes in HS sports, so it must be unfair. There are some valid examples of why it appears to be unfair with recruiting. There are probably more valid examples where they just got beat by a better team or someone that worked harder.

7. I saw Husker Fans post on coaching and it does play into the equation SOMETIMES. Examples are Miege girls basketball, Rockhurst football, Hutchinson football, There can be no denying that these programs are where they are because of the coaching. There are cases where the coaching may actually negatively impact a team's success, including the private schools. Anyone who has been a parent has seen this.

I'm done