Raymond, Please skip this post so you won't get upset. smile

Originally Posted By: John Johnson
Actually, the costs per student for those disricts w/ over a 100 students enrolled is about the same for all classes. There are actually 8 districts w/ less than 100 kids that are expensive. But given the amount of state aid is the same for all districts, regardless of size, the only people who care should be the patrons of that district and absentee land lords. See the below link for the figures:


Which means the average 3A school doesn't spend much more per kid than alot of 5/6 A schools. So now, focus on wrestling, the argument for school consolidation, at least on a large scale, does not hold given the numbers. As Mr. Mann said, all one has to do is look.

I call BS. Anyone can cook the books and monkey with the numbers to justify their cause. Even the government. John, you have some common sense, there is NO WAY the TOTAL COST PER STUDENT to educate is the same. It is a simple function of economies of scale. I know there is additional cost to the opportunities offered to students in larger schools. Opportunities that 321A schools will never see but the savings to consolidate schools is mind blowing. Ths same with county seats. Don't fall completely asleep. Politicians are grabbing our wallets with both hands and we act like we are deaf, dumb, and blind!

Will Cokeley