I don't think that we are getting softer. I do think that many of our citizens are getting more warped, more obese, more criminal, more desperate, and more dependent. For the last ten years we have been fighting two wars on two different fronts. The men and women of our military have had to become tougher, stronger, more committed, focused, and dedicated.
Most wrestlers are very similar to our military forces. They have to reach a level that many people in our society either can't, or don't want to. That is what separates them from some of their peers. Hopefully, because of that toughness, strength, commitment, focus and dedication, they will be successful in life.
I apologize for sounding so dramatic tonight, but I read some stuff today about a 19 year old combat medic who rushed to the aide of a fellow soldier in Afghanistan under hostile fire and lost his life. That was about a month ago. When we consider the part of our society that has become weak, we need to look to the youth of our society that will continue to make us a great Nation. Otherwise, our children won't have much to look forward to.