I wish I could get commission for all of the guys who make their first post ever responding to one my posts and usually disagreeing. I don't think I will be calling you anything but "Who the heck are you?" since you have failed to place your name at the bottom of your skewed view. The initial video and the 2nd link are the exact same move with the exception that the 2nd link the defensive wrestler was elevated to an even greater height before being returned to the mat with even greater force and impact than the first.
Donkeywrestler, I am not sure what I am to get over. I am posting several opportunities for everyone to view possible slam situations and form their opinion just as I have voiced mine. In addition, I do NOT consider other registered officials as "fellow employees" so I am not sure what my conduct at my place of employment has to do with this post or any other for that matter. If you don't like reading or looking at my posts please refrain from doing so. I am not changing the way I conduct myself on here, especiallly for you.