Originally Posted By: 3awrestling
I understand where ur comin from, but it depends on the wrestler. I know of two well known freshmen that won close matches the first of the year, and all the sudden they are ranked in the top 3. There are politics involved. As for being ranked 2 then getting beat, then falling out of the rankings, seems a little extreme. The only way to figure that is he was ranked to high to begin with. Favoritism should be left out, done strictly by criteria. And please don't tell me that it isn't happening.
3awrestling, I think you are allowing these rankings, which are just one persons opinion, to carry too much weight. I don't always agree with the individuals they have at every weight and every ranking, and so be it. I do enjoy the rankings and I appreciate the work that is put into the rankings. It will all come out in the wash in Febraury in Hays, so until then I encourage you to take the rankings for what they are.................only an opinion.