You are right Coach G. Clarence Thomas is a sell-out. His wifes group spent $550,000 in campaign monies from Liberty Central against Obama. This guy is supposed to be held in the highest regard of all the judges in US instead he makes a mockery of the position. His wife earnings are supposed to be reported on Federal withholding form now note, this is the same man that was incharge of the EEOC for the Federal Goverment before becoming a Supreme Justice said he and I quote 'inadvertently ommitted due to a misunderstanding" $686,589 in four years. Yea right same old BS. The money came from the Heritage Foundation a conservative policy group. Just like Clarence and Scalis drop by appearance at Charles Koch's political retreat. This is just what has come to light in the last five day's with Thomas. I can assure you it will not be the end to it. Judge Thomas and Judge Scalia should have never been at this politcal retreat. Why? Because they are to remain free of influence. What a laugh!! I am niether offended or disilusioned. Merely disgusted with it all!! Footnote: for any and all of this information referenced New York Times Tuesday 25,2011 pg. A16