I mean WE as an entire state!
Not just one district doing things one way and another district doing things another way.

Your right Richard I have never worked a weigh in but I have helped work tables.
If you are in need of people then I would gladly give my time as would many other "WE's" on this forum or in this state.

So Richard,
Are WE going to post actual weights and enforce the weight limits this year?

And on a personal note:
This sport would have a lot more "WE's" if people like "YOU" didn't cut everyone off at the knees when they have a question.
This sport will not continue to grow without the influx and education of new and unknowledgable parents.
And it will take people like you to help educate them. But less and less people will be willing to step up and take on new roles or assist with the duties if people like you are not willing to assist them in a friendlier way.
You need to learn to play well with others! The attitude is getting a little old!